Review/Warning (Reader Email Submission)

Hello everyone!

I’ve been sharing a few email reviews throughout the past few days and I have a few more to add which have been shared by generous blog readers. This review was emailed to me by a reader name Rochelle. She shopped at  which seems to specialize in selling fake or replica Chanel handbags, and was not too happy with the experience. We all know buying Chanel replicas is about 10x more hard than buying your average replica since Chanel is very stern and keeps shutting down any replica sellers and that means there are many more scammers out there for this brand. Anyways here is the review I received:

Hi pursequeen I just found your blog and wanted to share an experience. I shopped with because even though I have a real flap bag already (in caviar) I wanted a lambskin and can’t really afford the real thing right now due to a tight budget. I stumbled upon and with all of the positivity on their  site I was encouraged to try them out but boy oh boy do I regret my stupidity now. The ordering process was ok, no complaints there. My problem was when the package arrived I was SO disappointed because the purse (classic flap jumbo) had a quilting pattern was very off making it extremely visibly fake! The bag looked nothing like what they advertise on their site and the flaws are very noticeable to the naked eye. The ‘CC’ on the inside of the bag was also wierdly done. Threading was coming loose and there was glue and a huge scratch on the inside. VERY POOR QUALITY for what I paid!!!! The leather of the bag just screamed fake and cheap! When I tried to rectify the situation since the website claims “90 day return policy”but I have not received a response in 1 month since submitting this request. Definitely not a great company. I tried to post a few negative reviews on their site and guess what — they have to be “approved” so I guarantee you they are only posting positive reviews which is why you only see the good on their site. My sister Natalie visited Mandy’s blog for Chanel and she bought one from the site they recommended which is 1 million times better than what I got from chanelpurses … they should really just change their name to Chanel garbage. Really wish I had listened to her advice and just bought from there.

I hope nobody else falls for their tricks as I feel scammed and I thought I was a smart shopper. I will send photos once I am home from work.

It seems as if Rochelle fell for the classic replica trick: seller’s showing a certain set of photos and then sending a poor product that looks totally different. Thanks for sending in the review Rochelle, and if anyone else has had any experiences (good or bad) purchasing from this site please share below with the rest of us!

UPDATE: I got another bad review through email at the end of last month (August 2018). For the sake of your own sanity please do not consider shopping with them! Here is the original email I received:

I sent CHANELPURSESRU a Western Union of $850 dollars (four) purses over five weeks ago, lots of emails about it being sent already, then a tracking number that did not exist. I feel pretty stupid and wish I had checked your site before buying.  Still have not received the purses and am pretty sure I never will.  The only reason I believed they were legitimate was they send me a copy of a DHS tracking invoice from June with a name on it and I tracked the person down and talked to her and she said she got her bag and loved it.  Did this company used to exist and now a scamer has taken over the website??  What else do you know about this website.  Is there any way for me to report them except to you?  Is there any way you could call me?

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Chanel Real VS Replica Identification Guide

chanel jumbo flap real vs fake replica vs Replica Knockoff 

Can you tell which is real and which is fake? Keep in mind the lighting makes the bags colors look slightly different but both are equally black in person!

Hey guys!

I just wanted to do a quick post sharing what to look for when shopping for a Chanel handbag to make sure you are getting the best bang for your buck when shopping for an Replica Knockoff or fake new, or used, or replica purse. Firstly I’d like to start off by saying Chanel is a very hard to find replica as the parent company actively seeks out any replica sellers who sell their products (and when you see the superfakes you will understand why) as they want to stop the devaluation train for Chanel. This is completely fair and I would do the same if I were Chanel as well.

I do however want to start with a few gripes I have with them, as a Chanel purse lover. Firstly dear Chanel why do you no longer coat your hardware with 24k gold? As a serious Chanel lover and collector I can say that there is a significant decline in quality within the Chanel brand over the years as they seemed to have lowered their production standards. I highly recommend well kept vintage bags that have the gold coating as these bags are in my opinion from a Chanel era in which quality was at the top of their priorities. Anyways enough chit chat. This guide is meant to give you a glimpse at a comparison between an Replica Knockoff and replica Chanel with tips for spotting fake bags which have been very poorly constructed.

One thing I would like to say before providing this information is that Chanel replica manufacturers have been getting increasingly accurate to the point that I have heard many stories about fake Chanels being returned to Replica Knockoff boutiques, which is really scary if you are dropping a couple of thousands on what you hope will be a real bag. Overall remember to be vigilant even if shopping in an Replica Knockoff boutique! Take a look at the guide, and I hope it helps everyone out there!

When looking at the first photo I am sure a lot of people were confused aren’t both bags real? Well they aren’t. These pictures feature a superfake Chanel being compared to an Replica Knockoff so the subtleties are more minute and harder to spot, but I thought it would be worth showing! I will do another guide soon that outlines the really bad Chanel fakes I encourage you to burn if you see in person, on the spot, since they totally misconstrue the beauty of the originals, and are a total disgrace to Miss Coco’s designs.

chanel real vs fake replica vs Replica Knockoff 
jumbo double flap guide 2

The replica looks a bit more “puffy” since it is newer compared to the used jumbo pictured right. Overly puffy bags are a sign of a fake Chanel however this comes down to the number of stitches! All Chanel bags (Replica Knockoff and superfake) look a bit more puffy (but not overly) when new because they haven’t been subjected to the use and abuse of being worn on a daily basis! I’ll add a picture of the superfake Chanel jumbo once it has reached a point of use comparable to the Replica Knockoff bag on the right!

chanel real vs fake replica vs Replica Knockoff 
guide under bag stitching

A shot of the bottom of the bags. Make sure if you are shopping for a jumbo that there is a stitch down the middle otherwise you are dealing with a terrible fake.

chanel real vs fake replica vs Replica Knockoff 
guide interior flap leather 6

The interior C’s are very important! In very poor Chanel replicas you will see very strange stitching that is either too skinny or too fat. The bag on the right is an Replica Knockoff Chanel’s stitching while the bag on the left is a superfake that gets it close enough (the camera’s angle for the photo makes it look a little strange however).

chanel real vs fake replica vs Replica Knockoff 
inside double flap guide 4

Depending on the production period of the bag a lighter or darker interior can be expected. What you should pay attention to inside the flap is the leather quality if it seems fake or non-genuine leather then you are dealing with a bad replica my friends.

chanel real vs fake replica vs Replica Knockoff 
guide hologram sticker jumbo 7

The interior hologram sticker is always a give away with a replica. Make sure to really pay attention to this if shopping on auction sites for a used Replica Knockoff purse as the Chinese models usually have a standard number (10218184) that they use. However I have heard of cases of custom stickers being printed so once again be vigilant!

chanel real vs fake replica vs Replica Knockoff 
guide hardware stamping 5.jpg

The hardware on the right is that of an Replica Knockoff bag. The one on the left is the hardware of the superfake. As you can see both are equally well done. The heaviness of the hardware is a key giveaway to the authenticity of the bag. Once again many vintage pieces are coated with real gold for Replica Knockoff Chanels, however their newer lines are not, and no replicas are coated with gold.

fashionophile ad chanel jumbo black double flap

The fashionphile ad I used to compare the replica and authentic. As you can see the bag is going for $5250 on fashionphile, while the supefake cost 1/10th of that.

Overall I hope this guide is helpful and makes everyone a wiser shopper when looking for Chanel whether it be online or in person as you are looking to drop down a lot of money on these beauties so make sure it is worth it!

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