Replica handbags are oh so alluring. The idea of saving thousands while dropping only hundreds for a perfect copy of THAT bag you just saw in THAT designer boutique is enough to make anyone drool, myself included. However you shouldn’t think it is just that simple to purchase a replica. After shopping for replica for over 8 years (began of course when I was a not so wealthy teenager) myself I have realized there is an art to it just as there is as an art to anything else. You don’t just do a quick google search for “replica handbag” and purchase on the first website that pops up when it comes to replicas since there is a lot of investigation necessary to make sure the website you want to purchase from is legit and is not a scam that will rip you off!
First of all if you are going to purchase a replica handbag there is one thing I have realized throughout the years: you must be willing to take a risk. Yes purchasing replica handbags is very much like a game of Russian roulette; you can either get lucky or you can bite the bullet! For example many of the good sellers I have found only accept payment through money orders such as Western Union and although at first this frightened me greatly since I risked basically losing all of my money, I have grown quite comfortable with the process over time I just always make sure to vet any seller/company before I actually send my payments through to avoid being scammed. The way I personally see it however is that after a few bullets you will get lucky and find a trustworthy seller or few who you can stick with and will take care of you! At least that is how it has worked out for me, although I am always open to finding better sellers who have more precise quality and work with better materials.
Another part of the art is to be able to recognize quality! This once again does come back to the trust between yourself and the seller however there are a lot of other factors which come into play as well! The most basic thing you can do is to check what quality the seller is advertising for their bags. There are several tiers of handbag qualities when it comes to replicas which include the A grade replicas which range from disgusting bags which scream 100% fake upon first glance, to bags which may have the form down but lack the quality in terms of materials. I personally stay away from any bags labelled AAA, AAA+, AAAA etc. since they usually equate to junk.
For myself personally when I am shopping for an item whether it be replica or Replica Knockoff I like to make sure I get the cream of the crop; just because you are buying a knockoff does not mean you have to buy one that screams fake. The quality of bags that I personally purchase are strictly one to one or counter quality as they are called in Asia. The counter quality bags are considered bags which are good enough to be placed on the counter at Celine, Louis Vuitton, Prada etc. so those are the handbags you should aim for if you are after a replica or knockoff! Anything less and you will be feeling queasy, that is if you have any experiences with the Replica Knockoff bags.
If you have never purchased a real designer handbag before the AAA might seem like amazing quality but once you get your hands on an Replica Knockoff bag you will be able to see what you are missing out on, and you’ll never be able to look at the bag you just purchased in the same way. My first time I ever got tricked into buying an AAA purse was when I shopped on Ioffer a few year ago and I purchased a Prada Saffiano. The bag was adorable to me at the time, but once I stopped by the Prada boutique to see the Saffianos in person I was heartbroken as I realized I had spent so much money on a piece of absolute junk! Luckily I found a seller later on who sells amazing Prada’s and I will post a comparison between the two handbags for everyone to get a glance at the quality in depth. Overall as you may have realized by now purchasing replicas can be very rewarding (I’d like a single person who wouldn’t like to save thousands monthly especially if they are a fashionista like myself to comment below) but you just need to make sure you know the art of buying one well!
If you are looking for guidance feel free to screen through the reviews submitted by blog readers and myself posted on this website as a tool to help you!
If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!
What sellers have made your top 5 recommend list for quality products? I’ve heard DD is one of the best but both the website and email is shut down so I’m looking to try some other trusted sellers.
I’d like to know of any good sites that may sell counter quality bags.