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The Truth About Buying Replica Bags


I recently received an email from a blog reader that said,

Hello! I bought my first replica from Purse Valley because the pictures they posted on their website looked pretty good, and it looked like they have a decent return policy, but when I received my Prada double bag bag, I could immediately tell that it was fake. The label was crooked, and both the zippers started malfunctioning within a month. They gave me two options: I have to pay $70 in shipping fees to return or exchange the item or accepting a $80 credit and a zipper, I chose the latter.

I am certainly not surprised about the comment about Pursevalley (if anyone has read anything on this blog about them they will know they sell garbage), but after reading this email I feel compelled to share some general, plain, factual, and really important truths about buying replicas and the replica market in general. Firstly when you are shopping for replicas please keep in mind that 99% of the replica market sells junk. By junk I mean super cheaply manufactured bags that put the fake in fake. In other words these are bags that should have never been made in that they are utter junk. Most people are starstruck when it comes to buying replicas so they do not pause to think about quality and go for the first good deal they spot this is the wrong way to shop for replicas and a surefire way to end up with a junky bag you’ll be embarrassed to take out of your closet. It has personally taken me about 7 years before I became very good at buying replica bags without getting ripped off by paying for something which would end up in the trash bin as soon as it arrived. 7 years is a long time and it shows you how hard it is to navigate the replica market. Now you might think, “Angie is crazy” and “it is not that hard to find a good seller” but my checklist for a good seller goes beyond finding a bay that generally resembles a good fake. I look at the leather weight, stitching details, hardware etc. and these things factor heavily into my replica purchases because I want a bag that will last as long as the real thing. There are many brands out there that have copies of specific models that are the perfect dupe for an original (e.g. Chanel, LV etc.) and I have seen these with my own eyes but finding them online is like navigating a minefield. That is why I was inspired to begin this blog.

Basically I want to encourage any shopper to be extremely vigilant and you can end up with a good bag with patience and research!

I also really encourage you guys to send any reviews with photos to me at thepursesqueen@hotmail.com as the more information we can share with one another, the better shoppers we can become!


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  1. Tina
    September 16, 2020 / 10:58 pm

    It will be nice if you share where we can get the good quality ones.

  2. Monika
    June 8, 2019 / 10:49 am

    Well this is the most important question how exactly does the research look like, i.e. how much time it takes from the idea and search till making a decision and transaction..


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