If you’re new to the replica scene, it’s easy to feel a bit lost. There’s so much info out there, and honestly, a lot of it’s not even true. So, to help everyone sort through the mess, I’ve rounded up some of the most common myths about fake designer bags.
But that’s just the appetizer. We’re going deep into the expanding universe of replicas, exploring everything from the rise of superfakes to where to find these convincing lookalikes.
Table of Contents
- What Myths about Fake Bags You Should Know?
- How Did “Superfake” Become a Thing?
- What Are the “Dangers” of Buying Fakes?
- Why the Demand for Fake Bags is Increasing?
- Why People (and I) Think Replicas Are a Better Idea?
- Where to Buy High-Tier Fake Bags/Superfakes?
What Myths about fake bags you should know?
1. Expensive bags must be authentic.
Some sellers sell fakes at prices close to the originals, tricking buyers looking for discounts. To avoid scams, it’s best to purchase genuine items only from authorized retailers. The challenge is that “super-fake” handbags are extremely difficult to distinguish from the real deal and could deceive even seasoned shoppers.
I’ve heard more than once about people buying fake bags for the price of the real thing, either on resale platforms or offline. Some of these stories I’ve seen online, heard from friends, or even through emails from readers (big thanks to Nadia for writing down her Poshmark Scam to warn and remind us all).
People who often read my replica bag reviews should know just how real high-tier fake designer bags can look. Sometimes, you can only spot the tiny differences by comparing them side by side with the authentic. So, it’s not surprising that this kind of thing happens all the time.
2. Fake bags are bad for health.
In the past, perhaps, but it’s no longer the case. Fake designer bags have had a quantitative leap in terms of quality; now, you can get some really nice material bags for an appropriate cost. However, these low-quality bad fake bags still exist. Just be cautious not to buy cheap, inferior products (you can usually smell strong chemical odors as soon as you open the packaging).
3. The best fake handbags have to come from Italy or somewhere else in Europe.
The truth is, almost all fake luxury bags are made in Asia, especially in China. Trying to make and sell knockoffs in Europe is way more expensive and risky. The chances of getting busted are way higher.
This whole “made in Europe” story is just a trick to make you think you’re getting something more legit because it’s supposedly made in Europe. But don’t fall for it.
4. You could get arrested by the police for buying fake bags online.
In the US, buyers typically won’t get arrested for purchasing fake handbags since law enforcement usually targets sellers rather than buyers.
5. Purchasing fake luxury bags supports terrorism and crime.
I’m not sure where the “supports terrorism” thing came from? Every time I see content like this I immediately think, “It’s just purses. Not that deep, girlfriend.” The issue is trivial. These unsubstantiated attempts to draw links to actually serious issues like terrorism, exploitation, etc. merely highlight the lack of depth of the named concern.
6. All fake bags are pretty much the same. Where you get them from doesn’t really matter.
Saying all fake bags are the same is like saying all burgers taste the same. The quality can swing from total trash to “Is this even fake?” levels of good. Don’t make the mistake of thinking every fake bag is like the ones you spot at a local flea market or Chinatown. There’s a whole range out there, and some are seriously impressive.
There was this time I visited Canal St and did the whole back street adventure for fun, LOL!
I asked a streetside seller if they had higher quality — she contacted her friend who led me through several winding streets and to the back of a shop in Chinatown. There, she told an associate the bag I wanted, and I negotiated the price with the woman before we both parted ways happily.
Then her associate took off running and came back a few minutes later with a big black garbage bag. He pulled out the fake handbag from within, but the bag was low-to-mid tier, definitely DHgate stuff. I felt bad for wasting their time. Nevertheless, it was such a fun time for me.
7. The best super fake bag is 99.9% identical to the Replica Knockoff one.
Even the best fake designer bags out there are still going to be about 10% off from the real deal, and that gap only gets bigger with lower-quality fakes. There’s no such thing as a 100% perfect knockoff.
If you’re aiming for absolute perfection, you’ve got to hit up an Replica Knockoff boutique.
8. Superfake bags can pass as Replica Knockoff items, even under expert examination.
Just like we talked about before, even the best replicas have their differences from the real deal. Plus, some brands use microchips, so a quick scan reveals if it’s genuine or not.
Honestly, using a bit of common sense, you’d know that myth isn’t true. If fake bags could pass for the real thing so easily, why would replica sellers even bother with selling them as fakes? They’d just sell them as originals for a bigger profit.
9. Another kind of replica is called a “clone,” which is an exact duplicate made using better-quality materials.
In my decades of experience buying replicas, I’ve never heard of anything called a “clone.” Clearly, it’s just another term sellers use to deceive people.
Besides “clone”, when you see terms like “100%”, “1:1” or “exact,” it’s a sign that the seller is trying to deceive you.
10. Good sellers mean good quality fake handbags.
Yeah, that makes sense in an ideal world. But let’s be real: we’re not living in that world. Just like shopping anywhere else, there’s always a chance you might end up with disappointment, even with good sellers.
No one can say for sure that even the best sellers or factories won’t mess up sometimes. I’ve worked with a bunch over the years, and a good seller doesn’t always mean you’re getting a flawless replica. But the good ones will help you out and make things right, giving you that solid customer service.
11. Traveling with fake bags can get them confiscated by customs.
Those laws are basically to discourage people from buying and selling replicas within the country. Customs is more concerned about prohibited agricultural stuff than your fake bag. Airport security isn’t there to check if your Chanel bag is real or not; they’re mainly focused on preventing things like terrorism and drug smuggling.
Your bag is just a piece of leather, not drugs, a weapon, or a huge container of liquid, so no one’s going to confiscate it. That’d be theft, so you don’t need to worry about that.
Honestly, one of the reasons why I bought fake luxury bags is because I used them as replacements for my Replica Knockoff when traveling. I seldom use my pricy Replica Knockoff bags for travel especially my Chanel or any bags that are bright color.
I’ve been traveling in and out of Europe with my replicas, nobody pays attention to such stuff. I was once going through a very busy airport and spotted the most fake Chanel 19 I’ve ever seen in my entire life. If this woman was able to pass through controls without someone blinking a single eye, you would be fine.
Only note I would like to make is to beware when you’re going through security with exotic leather items, you might be questioned regarding paperwork for those, since there are strict regulations about fair trade import and use of such leathers.
12. Serial numbers are a surefire sign of authenticity, so fake bags don’t have serial numbers.
Serial numbers, dust bags, and tags can all be faked. So, don’t put too much trust in those anti-counterfeit features.
13. Fake designer bags are made of cheap PU leather or flimsy plastics.
It depends on the tier of the bag. Generally, high-tier bags use real leather, which also means they come with a higher price tag. If you’re getting a cheap knockoff from a flea market or DHgate, there’s a high probability it’s made from cheap PU leather or flimsy plastics.
14. Making fake cheap designer bags often means using sweatshop workers.
After dealing with a variety of sellers and understanding more about the industry, I can certainly tell that replica bags are not made by sweatshop workers – they are made by legitimate employees in a factory setting, just like regular items.
Maybe there are some knock-off handbags linked to sweatshops, but Replica Knockoff bags can also be made under bad conditions in less developed countries. If people really care about the ethics of sweatshop labor, they should get rid of all the stuff from countries that permit sweatshops.
15. They only fake new bags, all vintage bags are authentic.
While replica bag makers typically focus on producing current popular and trendy styles, it doesn’t mean they won’t also replicate vintage bags. Whether a particular bag gets replicated isn’t determined by its age but rather by demand. If a vintage style suddenly becomes popular, it’s hard to imagine replica bag makers missing out on a money-making opportunity.
Actually, I have a few vintage replicas myself and I totally use the grandmother excuse all the time when some people get too inquisitive, haha. I think visually those fake vintage handbags are very passable like the gold hardware, tongue shape, and chain length checks out. The only difference I can tell is the texture of the leather. All the vintage lambskin CFs I’ve handled have always felt very fragile and papery… I actually saw one before and was shocked by how thin it felt! But then vintage CFs aren’t all that common so I’m not really worried!
I also have this LV Petit Bucket in Monogram Canvas. The accuracy is spot on and the quality has been amazing. This bag has patina-ed beautifully and has held up extremely well and that says something cause I literally beat this bag up on purpose to give it the vintage feel.
How did “Superfake” become a thing?
Back in the day, if you couldn’t drop big money on designer labels, you’d head to bustling street markets like Canal Street in New York City for fake handbags, wallets, and shoes. Most of these knockoffs were pretty obvious – sure, they have a Gucci or Chanel logo, but they were cheaply put together. You could tell they were fakes from a mile away because of stuff like fake leather, stitches that just didn’t look right, or hardware that was clearly low-quality.
Gone are the days of those low-quality, easily distinguishable fakes. In recent years, these “superfake” handbags have been showing up more and more. Unlike typical knockoffs, superfakes go way beyond the Canal Street imitation.
Making these bags is tough and takes really good materials and skills. The replica makers really go all out to copy every little detail, so their products look almost exactly like the real thing.
As reported by The New York Times, these manufacturers will actually buy Replica Knockoff designer bags to figure out how they’re made. And they even get their leather from the same places in Italy that the fashion brands do. But their prices are still way cheaper than the Replica Knockoff ones.
These high-tier fake designer bags make it hard to know if something is real or not. While they’re still fake, some of them are such good quality that even experts are struggling to tell the difference.
What are the “dangers” of buying fakes?
The emergence of superfake products has led people to question the true worth of spending thousands on a piece of leather, triggering a debate once again about the ethical issues surrounding counterfeit goods.
Here are some reasons you might come across online and in the news about why you shouldn’t buy fake bags:
- Ethical Concerns: Purchasing replicas raises ethical questions, particularly regarding intellectual property rights.
- Economic Impact: Buying fake items hurts the fashion industry.
- Poor Quality: Dupe bags are often low-quality and tend to fall apart quickly.
- Supporting Criminal Activities: The sale of fake bags funds criminal activities, including terrorism and human trafficking.
- Child Labor: Children are often exploited in making fake bags, and working in appalling conditions.
- No Investment Value: Genuine designer bags retain or increase in value, making them a good investment. Replicas, however, have little to no value.
- Health Risks: Fake bags are made with unsafe materials and chemicals, posing health hazards.
- Legal Consequences: Buying and owning designer replica bags can lead to legal risks and potential prosecution.
- Social Stigma: Holding replicas results in ridicule and shame within certain social circles.
Undeniably, some of the reasons mentioned above are indeed valid (hurting the fashion industry, intellectual property rights). However, most of the other reasons are questionable, lack evidence, or simply don’t hold water. (A few of them are also addressed in the “Myths” section.)
Why the demand for fake bags is increasing?
Even though the internet is full of warnings about the dangers of fake products and brands are constantly fighting against counterfeits, it hasn’t stopped the replica market from growing and more and more people carrying fake bags. There are even two groups of people involved that you might find surprising.
- Wealthy People
According to an article by The Cut, way back in 2016, there was already a replica community on Reddit, which has nearly 200,000 members.
“among its members were several chief executives, venture capitalists, a diplomat, and a Big Tech ethics adviser. In fact, the community seems to be largely made up of wealthy women who own Replica Knockoff bags, can absolutely afford more, and continue to buy fakes.”
A greater number of affluent people are jumping on the fake handbag bandwagon.
Replicas are no longer viewed as solely an indication of someone’s social class. Even those who are rolling in cash, have come to appreciate the replicas for the great quality and total satisfaction they provide. There are plenty of other sources out there like YouTube and TikTok with dope content about it.
- Young People
Being bombarded by luxury brands’ powerful marketing, but unable to afford the real deal, more young people are purposefully choosing to buy dupes or knockoffs (especially from Dhgate and Aliexpress).
In a 2022 survey by the EU Intellectual Property Office, which included 22,021 individuals aged 15 to 24, 37% of those surveyed admitted to purchasing at least one counterfeit product in the past year. This is a significant increase from 14% in 2019.
Younger shoppers aren’t embarrassed at all about wearing cheap knock-offs of high-end handbags and accessories – in fact, they’re actually proud of it! They think it’s totally cool to grab replicas and dupes, which is a big change from how the older generation used to see it as something you just don’t do.
Why People (and I) think replicas are a better idea?
Above, we’ve discussed the “dangers” of buying fakes and how the demand for replicas continues to grow. So what’s driving more and more people to take the “risk” of buying replicas?
As someone who’s been in the game of buying replica bags for over a decade, I feel pretty qualified to tackle this question.
The following content stems from discussions I’ve had with like-minded replica enthusiasts, comments left by readers on my blog, and my own personal experiences over the years.
1. Replicas are affordable alternatives.
First- money. Luxury brands and their price increases are absolutely insane. Plus, the quality issues, and the poor customer service, it is all crazy when you think about it. When I was buying auths it was so easy to fall into the mindset that spending $5000 on a bag is a “steal” for a classic flap. Or even having the “honor” of spending $10,000+ on a Birkin. It’s really mind-boggling!
When I stopped to think about it, I was like wait what, $5,000!!!! On a HANDBAG? I sat down, realized how many hours I have to work to bring home $5k, what other things cost $5k (vacations, tuition, etc), and realized very quickly I did not value or prioritize luxury handbags as much as I thought.
2. The value of Replica Knockoff products isn’t that high.
The quality of auth has gone down so much and meanwhile, the prices keep going up and up. To me, the quality needs to be worth it to justify something’s price. It definitely hasn’t been like that in the past couple of years.
Bags will come and go and barely any of them are an investment. Maybe beside the Birkin. I always think it’s crazy when people say they are buying a Chanel bag for investment purposes. There are so many better investments. Just try to use that bag as collateral on a loan.
Honestly, if you don’t plan to resell or give it to a loved one, resale value doesn’t matter IMO. None of these things are “investments”. Invest in the S&P 500 lol.
If we really get down to brass tacks, the value proposition of buying auth isn’t holding up for the majority of these luxury purchases. Especially with these wretched price increases.
3. Replicas are great companions for traveling.
It’s a smart move to leave auth pieces at home where you know areas that are safe/unsafe! Traveling with replicas would also mean not needing to baby the pieces for fear of dirtying them or losing them.
A few years ago, my husband and I went on a trip to Italy with a Mediterranean cruise also booked. I packed several replica purses. On our very first day, all of our luggage was stolen from our rental car right outside the Pisa Tower. I was upset for sure, but knowing that my investment in what I lost was minimal compared to what it could have been made me feel so much better and I was so thankful for leaving my auth pieces at home.
My cruise stopped in Turkey where the fake bags were abundant but I decided to wait until I got back home to work with my trusted sellers to replace/upgrade what I lost. And… not gonna lie, it makes me laugh to think of the moment when the thieves realized that my bags were knockoffs.
4. Replica pieces offer exceptional quality at a lower price than average items.
I find replica pieces to be cheaper in price than the “average” items, but higher in quality than what I could get with the same amount of money! With replicas, I get insanely good quality for a fraction of the price. And I am free to choose what I actually like without price eliminating options from the start.
When I can choose between buying a generic brand bag for $400 that is literally just plastic made to look like leather and shoddy quality, or buying fake designer bags that look real and made of great leather, I’ll always choose the latter.
Not only as an alternative to the Replica Knockoff one, but also as an alternative to worse quality of the same price for non-replicas. Also, some things are too good repped to be bought real. For example the Prada nylon bag. I would never buy real now. It is too easily faked.
I once bought myself a new work bag at around $400. No particular known brand, just one that was available in a well-known local shopping center that supposedly was of great quality.
It didn’t even survive 2 weeks in use before mistakes in construction came to light and the shoulder strap started ripping off. Getting my money back was a nightmare. On the other hand, my replica bags still look like new after a lot longer and I don’t baby them, I use them like I would any other bag.
5. You can spend your money on things that are way more valuable and meaningful.
I spend sooo much on my home, vacations, private schools, going out all the time to nice dinners, charity galas, buying art (I go to a lot of the art fairs around the world), etc. For two Chanel bags, I can buy an impressive piece of art or book a week on Lake Como at a 5-star hotel. I can take my kid to Italy for a month for what I save a year on these bags. I can buy insanely expensive silk hand-painted wallpaper and do my whole dining room in it.
6. For a carefree lifestyle, use replicas without worrying about damage or loss.
I am also buying dupes so I can have peace of mind. If my bag gets scratched or the lining gets stained with ink, no biggie. If I step in something gross with my shoe… Shit happens. I wear nice sunglasses to the beach and don’t stress about it…everything is just easier and more carefree! That way I actually use the items a hundred times more and actually focus on what I’m doing rather than babying stuff.
The care that goes into taking care of Replica Knockoff bags. I don’t have the mental space to baby anything that is designed to contain and carry items! I have Replica Knockoff and replica bags and I definitely felt more hesitant to bring my auth bags into the wild when I first got them.
7. To freely try more styles and colors without breaking the bank.
While I usually stick to neutral colors, I can’t deny that some styles only shine in bright colors, so I’m also open to trying new colors.
There was one time when I went to the Chanel store to try on a C19, I asked for navy blue because I didn’t like their neutral color. It wasn’t a good shade of beige. The sales lady told me well if you’re going to spend $6k on a bag it should go with a lot of your outfits. Another reason replicas are more fun.
Where to buy High-tier fake bags/superfakes?
Sure, superfake handbags are less pricey than the real deal, but they’re definitely pricier than your regular fake. For common styles from brands like LV and GUCCI, the price generally starts at no less than $400. And for a Birkin or Kelly, the price won’t be below $1,000.
And picking up a superfake isn’t as easy as grabbing a regular knockoff from Dhgate/Aliexpress. You’ve pretty much got to know someone who’s already bought one to get the contact info for a seller.
If you don’t know anyone around you who has bought superfakes:
As a seasoned rep buyer, I’ve purchased quite a few replicas and dealt with many sellers. With over a decade of buying experience, I’ve put together a list of sellers who sell high-tier fake bags/superfakes.
That wraps up all the content for this post. Have you ever purchased fake bags (whether regular or superfake)? Do you think buying replica bags is better or do you prefer sticking to Replica Knockoff ones? Leave a comment sharing your thoughts!
This is a fun read! that one about replica bag grades was super helpful for a newbie like me too.
it’s nice to know they also replicate vintage bags, so where can I get the best replica vintage bags?
Great article! This is super inspiring and encouraging, and it further puts my mind at ease about traveling with replicas. Thanks for sharing.
Similarly, like you, I used to stress big time about traveling with my replicas. Now I feel much more confident