/ Replica Bags / UNCLE BENCH Review: Horrible Hermes and Chanel Replica Experience (STAY AWAY)

UNCLE BENCH Review: Horrible Hermes and Chanel Replica Experience (STAY AWAY)

uncle bench review

Hi guys just wanted to send out a word of warning after reading an email that a blog reader has sent me about a negative experience dealing with Uncle Bench. I have never personally bought from their website because I have always found their communication to be horrible, especially since they do not know English. I have also had other blog readers contact me with questions about Uncle Bench, but after reading Lisa’s experience it is definitely crossed off my replica shopping list. Additionally I always had a negative vibe and felt that somehow or another they were connected to PurseValley, which we all know has such a negative history. This poor blog reader’s experience has truly confirmed my negative feelings about UNCLE BENCH, and I will personally never shop there as it is clearly not living up to its hype.

Hi Angie,

First of all I would like to say thank you for your blog. It is so nice to see somebody is trying to help stop us ladies who are bag obsessed (but may not have the funds to shop authentic) from spending our money on the many internet scams which exist. I am writing to let you know about a horrible experience I had with Uncle Bench. I bought a Chanel and Hermes from them which I now realize was a very silly idea. I should have tested them for one handbag and then purchased a second one after. Anyways, I bought both handbags and sent in my payment through wire transfer but it took them over a month to ship out my handbag since they had some kind of an issue with supplying it.

After this delay I finally got my handbags and they turned out to be utter garbage. The leather on the Hermes was so flimsy, I could spot it as a fake a mile away and I am not a Hermes expert by any means. The Chanel handbag was very poor as the quilting was too puffy and it looked fake. Overall for the money I spent I was very very disappointed. I am so happy to have found your site so I can warn other so please post this review but use my nickname Lisa.

I will definitely do my homework before buying anymore replicas online and will take a look at the list of sellers you compiled. Thank you so much for your time and I hope this warning helps others. I will also send in pictures once I can get my camera up and running.



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  1. Marg
    April 22, 2018 / 8:57 pm

    I have ordered the Hermes horse charm for my birkin. It was only $100.00 . So I thought “hell. why not try this small purchase before I commit to their other birkin?”

    I’m so glad I decided on this test trial order.
    I sent in a money order for $115 and never heard from them again!
    When I emailed requesting if they received my cash, their response was NO.bag from them. What a shame, they lost a customer over a minor $100 Pony fob.

  2. March 19, 2016 / 9:46 pm

    I am surprised to see so many harsh negative comments about UB and their products. I HAVE personally purchased several bags from them. There is a time difference which can make things difficult as well as customs to deal with and a language barrier. However, I have dealt with Rachel personally via email and spoken with her on the phone. She is very polite. And she speaks PERFECT English. Here in the US we are used to “instant gratification” via Fed-Ex” and having things happen very quickly. This is not the same type of purchase. Remember that first. Second, every single bag I received from them was made from impeccable materials. And I received a very high quality item. I own the “real thing” as well, so it is easy for me to compare. I highly recommend their products.

  3. Someone who thinks there are two sides...
    October 4, 2015 / 1:27 am

    And I will say that I have no hesitations to purchase from them in the future if their is a particular item I am after and they list it. At times I have experienced delays from other sellers so I know that it can be a possibility when purchasing from China.

  4. Someone who thinks there are two sides...
    October 4, 2015 / 1:23 am

    Hi, while I have not personally bought from Unclebench, I do have friends that have, and I’ve seen the quality of their purchase once they arrived. Sorry if people have had negative experiences but from what I have observed its been quite the opposite. I even know someone who when they visited China were able to meet with UB staff and were greatly assisted on their trip. It seems all to easy to ridicule a site etc but without pictures and proof it certainly makes it harder to trust where some extremely negative reviews come from. Personally I highly doubt UB and pursevalley are tied in together. I have purchased 5 bags from PV and the quality overall was completely different to what UB sells (pv have lower quality on the whole). Since then I have found many other reliable sellers who focus on higher quality bags, and unclebench seems to be one of them. Believe me, UB have much greater English skills than many other sellers. Perhaps this may mean slightly higher prices (rather than if you were willing to try and communicate in Mandarin to other Chinese sellers).

  5. July 26, 2015 / 2:15 pm

    Hi There,

    My name is Hugh, and i am 2nd in charge of Uncle Bench. I am currently building our new website, writing blogs, etc. Recently one of my blogs discusses replica review sites and some of the bad press that we have received through them. Whilst writing the blog i was doing my research and i came across this review.

    I would like to address a few points if i may…

    1. The owner of this site, Angie, points out that she has never used us before because of our bad communication and terrible English. I would like to point out that i do not have bad English, and if that anyone would like to speak to me, i am accessible over WeChat or via email:

    a. WeChat ID: UBSales
    b. Email: sales.unclebench@gmail.com

    I would also like to point out that the owner of Uncle Bench is American educated, her English is quite good. Admittedly it is not perfect, but definitely decent enough. We also have a new staff named Laura, who although is not a native English speaker, also has very good English and has a Masters in English. Between the 3 of us you will be hard pressed to find another replica bag company that has better English.

    2. In regards to Lisa’s complaint, i am very sorry to heart about this, and i would like to know more about the situation so that i may verify these claims and get these issues sorted out so that you, Lisa, are happy. We do not want unhappy customers nor bad reviews like this.

    Angie, if you have Lisa’s contact information and you’d be willing to share it with me, i’d be very grateful.

    3. As for the rest of the posts here on this blog, i will be responding to each and every one of you right after i post this, as i would like to ultimately either handle or explain things, so that everyone is satisfied.

    I will be taking a screenshot of my response i have written out here (in case this site requires Admin verification before a post is allowed) and i will be making a blog about this on our up-and-coming website to track its progress to a happy conclusion for all.

    Thank you and my apologies for this long message!


    • July 26, 2015 / 3:08 pm

      Hi Hugh! Glad to see you guys respond but I can’t share her email due to privacy reasons, but hopefully she will revisit this page and see your comments. 🙂

    • Chrissy
      December 12, 2016 / 10:30 pm

      Hi Hugh ! I’ve bought from you guys and I haven’t received my bag . I spent 865.00 which is a lot of money . I keep getting rep sponsee for you guys still g to contact ups. But they have no record of my number for tracking . With all these bad reviews I feel you should be ashamed and to answer and not expect people to get upset is really annoying g of you and your offense to people being upset . When you have to give money up front and get a 3-4 day later response , -‘you say your in China ! No kidding . We know that . I’m not even getting a response . Mybtacking is EA172552099CN no record . I was told by Laura to call my post office ! REALLY !? I’ve done that ! I’m am so upset !! If anyone is smart they would never order from you . If you can respond d and make me feel a little better by sending what I paid for I would kindly repost . But so far it’s been way over a month and nothing not even help to find where it is ! Except a bogus tracking number . last chance for you to help !

    • Anna
      August 8, 2019 / 6:04 pm

      Dear Hugh and dear readers,
      I ordered a Chanel Boy 2 weeks ago ( order no 22505 ). I had great communication with Laura. She speeks English very good. It may sometimes be late, but it is because of the time difference in China. The prices may be a little higher, but UB seems to be the best Chanel and Hermes Replica site. And it is less than 1/5 of an Replica Knockoff bag price in store. I am very excited to get my bag. I will share my experience and pictures here and on other rewiev sites. Hopefully it will be a good experience! See you soon!

  6. Anonymous
    July 17, 2015 / 6:45 pm

    I had the same experience! DO NOT BUY from them! I bought a Chanel classic flap Lambskin from them, it took over a month until they shipped my item! Yet, I had to wait another week until it arrived to my place! Their pictures look promising, but its not the same with the one you’ll receive. Looking for that kind of price (ridiculously high), I bet people want to get the best quality, right? Don’t put your hopes too high because its not gonna happen. It takes hours for them to reply your messages via we chat. When you keep asking them, they will say they’re busy. One of their customer service agents (we chat id: rachel713540) is RUDE! She won’t reply your messages until its at least 10pm (US time). She’ll say she just woke up. yet, she’ll go for lunch. She’ll keep you waiting (if you’re dumb, like I was) until you have to stay up late (like 3 or 4 am in the morning).
    Oh! And when I received my chanel bag, the hologram sticker in the bag and the card I received are different! She sent me different number (what?!). When I asked her to sent me another card or sticker, she was just ignoring me.

    • July 26, 2015 / 2:35 pm

      Hi There,

      I am sorry to learn of your bad experience with us. If you could email me with any information so that i may sort out your issues to your full satisfaction, i would appreciate that.

      You mention you bought from us, however you never mention the quality of the item itself. You remark about our communication, however we are based within China, an entirely different time-zone to the US. It is impossible for us to be online 24/7, and we need to be online and awake during our time so we can also communicate with the Makers of the products, shipping companies, etc., etc. If you felt that Rachel was rude, my apologies for this, but seeing as there is no proof i cannot make a comment on this on her behalf.

      As i have written above, i would really like to resolve this with you, we can even do it over this post right here (so other people can witness it) or via email, this is entirely your choice.



  7. Anonymous
    July 16, 2015 / 4:38 pm

    Ubgallery / Unclebench are horrible disgusting greedbags; no pun intended. With all the NEGATIVE REVIEWS, I don’t know why anyone would still try to make a purchase with them. I almost did try to make a big multi-thousand dollars purchase but backed out at the last minute Thank God!!! People work really hard for their money to loose it to those dirtbags. There are good sellers out there but don’t expect the world when it comes to quality. It will never be like the real thing. Unclebench post the most impossibly gorgeous looking replicas on their website but you won’t be getting it!!! Don’t get duped by them. They are PIGS!!!!

    • July 26, 2015 / 2:28 pm

      Hi There,

      You mention that you almost bought from us. Would you be so kind as to tell me why you did not go ahead with your order? You write some pretty intense words, actually if i am being honest, your post is incredibly offensive to me. If you have a valid explanation, i would love to hear it and hopefully handle your upset and restore your opinion of us to a good one.

      I would like to clearly and plainly point out that we are not here to dupe anyone, we are a good seller, and the pictures you see on our website are either our own or straight from the Maker of the item, so what you see is what you get.

      Hoping to see a response from you.


  8. Anonymous
    July 16, 2015 / 4:37 pm

    So upset 🙁

    Where would you recommend for a Hermes?

  9. Anonymous
    July 16, 2015 / 12:36 am

    OMG I was seriously thinking of buying from them. Thanks Angie you just saved me over a thousand dollars.

    • July 26, 2015 / 2:23 pm

      Hi There,

      I do understand that this bad review has scared you away, it would do the same for me. However i can assure you that what you see within our pictures is exactly as what you will receive.

      We send out QC (quality control) pictures to you before we ship out the package, so you can personally see what you will be receiving.

      If you have any questions please feel free to email me: sales.unclebench@gmail.com


    • Natalie
      July 26, 2016 / 3:58 am

      I don’t believe this review at all! I’ve just placed my order with uncle bench today and the past week of communication with them (Hugh- to be exact) has been wonderful! They have been very helpful and so attentive! And alway replied back to me fast! I can’t wait to get my items for my birthday. I ordered a Chanel GST and Hermes Birkin 30 and a twilly. I’ve heard great things about them through other people and when I get my items I will show pics of my bags and you guys can see for yourselfs 🙂

    • Hermès Girl
      December 19, 2016 / 12:47 am

      UB may be slow but all my Hermès are gorgeous from them. I’m super picky and only buy the top tier and they haven’t let me down. Also they have nothing to do with Eva Knox or PV. I’ve been shopping with UB for over 3 years. They don’t crank bags out because the quality is not cheap. It takes time to make super quality Hermès.

      Do a little more fact checking before destroying someone’s reputation.


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