Hi guys I just wanted to do a quick post on a favorite replica site of many individuals I know as well as mine! Designer Discreet’s old domain does not work any longer but when I emailed their customer service and asked what happened to them I got a response from a representative named Cyrus who said that their site is simply changing their domain and their old website was hacked by a scam company who was impersonating them! Their new website link is: designerdiscreet-bags.ru ( thanks to the blog reader that pointed this update out!). They are accepting orders through their email temporarily until the website has been redesigned and transitions! Apparently it will be much more user friendly so I am personally very excited to shop on their new website. Also I was warned that there are a lot of websites impersonating Designer Discreet so be careful when you are googling for them online as you don’t want to be scammed by some fake seller trying to make a buck or two off unwitting shoppers! I hope this answers a question I keep seeing pop up!
You guys can also check out my latest reviews I have posted which are the Burberry replica handbag and the Celine replica handbag. I got them both from Designer Discreet and they are amazing replica bags! I can’t wait to post reviews of my other bags from my replica and Replica Knockoff collection to share with you guys shortly! Feel free to share your favorite websites for replica bags in the comments below!
If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at thepursequeenreviews@gmail.com ! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!
Have you noticed that designersdicreet.ru (considered the scam) is a secure site whereas designer-discreet.ru is not secure?
I was just looking at that…so which one is the fake one??
I was looking for an answer to this as-well! I have no idea!
I’m wondering the same thing…
can someone pls advise about legit and corret website for DD? thanks anybody
Just got my new ARTSY in from DD and I’m very impressed. It’s just beautiful! From the day I did my wire to delivery, it was only 8 days. The craftsmanship is superb and Emily was very sweet and responsive to my emails. Can’t wait for my next!
What is the real website? I want to place an order and I’m not sure which website to use. Thanks!
Same here. I’d like to visit their website but I don’t have any information. Please advise.
Hey girl I’m super worried about getting scammed , how does the process work .. I would love any advise about shipping, their communication, tracking, how long it takes, and I’ve never done a money gram/transfer so how do I know they receive it🙈😘
Hey there, did you end up ordering? Did you have any issues .
What other websites do you shop at, besides DD?
Designer Discreets site is no longer working??? Really concerned because I recently placed a large order? Do you have any information?
It’s working for me! Are you trying the right link?
do you have the new link? the site is down again
I am unable to access the new site, is there a direct link or web address that you all wouldnt mind sharing?
Same, did you get in contact with them?
nevermind, I got an explanation from DD. I couldnt receive their emails on the other email address! It’s all good now 🙂
Just ordered off DD 2 days ago and haven’t gotten a confirmation email. Anyone experience this?
The dots are not connecting for me….
Their website was shutdown along with all of their email addresses so they were essentially uncontactable. So how did you know to contact them on their new email address customerservice@designer-discreet.cn ??
The new website looks really average so how do we know that this is not one of their competitors pretending to be them? I’ll be waiting a couple of months till I order so I know the site is legit. Then again it is only a matter of time before their new domain along with email is shut down too.
DD need to address the issues that when their server is blocked and customers cannot contact them then it is a loss of business so why not go back to basics with a Gmail account? Poor planning and customer service on their part.
Hey girl I received a monthly email/newsletter from them as did some other blog readers. The email address was noreply@designer-discreet.cn if that helps which explained everything I wrote in the post … anyways I say follow your intuition if you don’t feel safe don’t shop with them! 🙂
Thanks very much for the reply.
As you did receive an email from DD confirming their new details we can take comfort in knowing it isn’t a competitor or Eva Knox!
I’ve spent thousands with DD so am scratching my head as to why I’m not on their mailing list, will chase it up.
Appreciate your reply and blog 🙂
Why can’t I leave posts on your page anymore?
I got a reply from her! And they did get hacked on their website that is what they said when I emailed them. Why don’t you email them directly?
hey, i tried e-mailing them directly, but the e-mail address i have isn’t working. what e-mail address do you have? can you tell us? i’ve been ordering from then for two years now 🙁
Hey girl have you tried customerservice@designer-discreet.cn ? That’s the one I use!
Looks like they got shut down by Chanel not scammers. Unless you have more info………..haven’t seen a reply here or to my personal emails sent to this blogger.
Hey girl they never sold Chanel on their site, and they have a new site up as well! 🙂
i’m in the same boat! i need their e-mail address because the old one isn’t working for me either!
Does anyone have the email of designer discreet? Really need to order a new bag for the summer. Thanks!!
It’s customerservice@designer-discreet.cn … you also remind me that I need a few more bright fun colored bags for the summer! 🙂
Do you have DD’s email? I was in the middle of working out an order and designerdiscreet@gmail.com isn’t working anymore.
I’d really appreciate it
Thanks so much!
Please let’s us know their new website when you have it! 😀
OMG thank goodness!! I got a speedy from them in september and it was absolutely gorgeous. I almost had a mini panic attack when I found their website had closed down. I’m also super happy I found this blog its so helpful! I got worried cause the blog I used to follow also got shut down with DD. Unfortunately, everytime I email them it says delivery failed :S, so I’m trying to work that out. Thanks so much!
Hey girl thanks for visiting the blog! 🙂 Their new website is http://www.designer-discreet.cn … hope this helps!
I got an email from them saying it was designer-discreet.cn … SO GLAD THEY ARE BACK!
I can’t get the new website to work either for DD. Any updates? I am not sure which LV I want to purchase. This will be my first purchase. Any suggestions? I like a larger bag that can also be carried on the shoulder. Thanks for your help!
Love DD! They are usually the best for all the brands I am obsessed with! I was worried they were gone forever wish they would let us know through email so we wouldn’t have to worry.
Design discreet do not take credit cards any longer. Should I be concerned? Kat
They haven’t taken credit cards in a few years hun! I pay with Western Union or wire it straight from my bank when I shop with them and haven’t had any probolems.