Most people who have ever thought of shopping for replicas have most likely heard of Pursevalley and their sister company Perfect Watches. They were a notorious company, and have been up for practically forever I mean I have been shopping for replicas for over ten years and have seen their sites up since the beginning when I first dipped my toes into replica bags. I was always tempted to try them at first, and did and I got burned and learned a key first lesson in replica shopping: you will make mistakes until you find a good seller.
But now their site is down (it has been since early August). I have heard that many people who ordered in July are hanging on by a thread as their money has been taken however their orders have yet to be fulfilled. I am not surprised Pursevalley decided to go out like this by ripping people off, since any sophisticated replica shopper should be aware they are a very scam-y operation even when they were up. Their bags did not last and their lies were aplenty.
Will Pursevalley pop up again? Who knows? When I think of Pursevalley now I get reminded of a childhood game I played called Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? I guess the only question that remains now is what in the world happened to and
After perusing online I see that people were told they were moving warehouses and that all the products on their site was showing as sold out. Maybe their factory was busted or maybe they just decided to shut down their operations after screwing people over for years. One thing is for sure though, Pursevalley has left a sour taste in many replica shoppers mouth’s, and for many it was their first bad or mediocre experience when shopping for replicas. Whatever the case, whether Pursevalley got busted or shut down, I for one am happy to see them go, and hope they don’t pop back up.
Are you someone who has shopped with Pursevalley right before they got shut down and not received your stuff? Or do you have any idea what happened to them? Please leave a comment below and share your experiences to enlighten us!
UPDATE: We finally have a clear answer!
The mystery of what happened to Pursevalley has finally been solved. They were caught plain and simple. A lovely blog reader emailed me a link to an article in Chinese (which I then translated) which outlines how they were caught and even have some snaps of their goods in their warehouse (which may have been people’s missing orders). New sites claiming to continue the operations of the original Pursevalley include and however you should know these sites are simply people imitating the original PV and are not linked to the original owners who are now in jail! Here’s the translation of the article that I got from here:
Earlier this month, the Ministry of Public Security announced that the Chinese and American police had successfully cracked a large-scale transnational infringement of intellectual property crimes. The entire chain smashed a criminal network that sold counterfeit luxury goods to the United States and other countries through the independent website The public security organs arrested the suspects. Name, smashed seven dens, the amount involved is as high as 100 million yuan. A week later, a letter of thanks from the Guangzhou Public Security Bureau was sent to the Alibaba Group, thanking Alibaba for the big data support provided by the special team in this case.
On January 13, Guangzhou Public Security sent a letter of thanks to the Alibaba Group.
On November 8, the Ministry of Public Security announced that the Chinese public security organs had arrested 36 criminal gangs headed by Zhuang, and smashed 7 fake and fake dens, and seized leather goods, bags, watches, and other brands such as counterfeit LV, Rolex, Cartier and Gucci. More than 3,000 pieces of jewelry, and found that the cumulative sales amount reached 100 million yuan, the US law enforcement agencies simultaneously conducted investigations on their domestic websites and bulk ordering of fakes.
“We received the clues provided by LV as early as June 2015, saying that we found that cross-border gangs hired overseas servers to establish an independent website. sells a large number of fakes across the border, hoping to invite Ali to fight the special team to cooperate. The sale of fake models to crack down.” Alibaba platform governance Xiao Er Hong told reporters that in the following two years, the special team and the brand rights holders, the Guangdong Provincial Public Security conducted many times of communication and coordination, to help the police to explore the expansion of criminal network domestic gangs and The main character online trajectory.
The server’s overseas Pursevalley shopping site is full of fake luxury goods.
With the help of Ali Big Data, the police found that was registered in March 2013. The domain name registrar is a Guangdong company, but the website server is located in the United States. The website not only publishes a large number of false low-priced discount brand-name product information, but also has online ordering and customer service functions. Users complete transactions through Western Union and Paypal transfers, and support payments in currencies such as US Dollars, British Pounds, and Euros.
On July 13, 2017, the police seized a large number of counterfeit brand watches.
In mid-July of this year, the Ministry of Public Security organized the command of the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Bureau to dispatch police forces to carry out centralized collection operations for production, warehousing, and export. At a logistics point in Guangzhou, gang members are loading the packaged goods and sending them to the EMS International Logistics Center at Baiyun Airport. In another warehousing and packaging den, the police seized two boxes of counterfeit luxury watches, accessories and glasses, involving a number of luxury brands, and found a large number of torn order documents. Subsequently, according to the EMS international logistics list found on the spot, the police rushed to the Guangzhou Baiyun Airport International Logistics Center to communicate with the customs and seized more than 100 undelivered international express parcels.
The police seized more than 100 fake parcels to be sent abroad at the Guangzhou Baiyun Airport International Logistics Center.
It is understood that counterfeit luxury goods on are mainly sold to the United States, followed by European countries. The division of work of Zhuangmou is also very clear: the overseas customer service team is responsible for receiving orders and website promotion; the domestic operation team is responsible for translating overseas orders and is responsible for after-sales; the domestic procurement team purchases according to orders or entrusts underground dens to produce fakes, and then launches them by themselves. The logistics company conducts the package, customs declaration, and then sends it overseas.
“The special team analyzed online clues and found that Zhuangmou gang used the Taobao shop for sale in the early days. After being severely punished by the platform, it was collusion with overseas gangs to use the independent website to continue the sale.” Hong said that in this case Overseas demand for fake goods, many consumers can be known to buy fake, which shows that fakes have become a global problem.
“Alibaba has always supported the anti-counterfeiting and repeatedly appealed to the society to fight against fakes like drunk driving. We praised the joint anti-counterfeiting between China and the United States, which shows that cross-border anti-counterfeiting has entered a new era.” Alibaba Chief Zheng Junfang, the platform administrator, said: “We urgently hope to join hands with many parties to export the domestic collaborative anti-counterfeiting to the world, and to cooperate with all the forces that can be united in the world to solve the problem of counterfeit goods.”
I’d like to know who everyone is using too. I’ve purchased a few items with and had no issues with quality or service.
So since you have been buying replicas 10 years or so, can you please tell me a good website for LV Replicas?
I was one of the customers who had a perfect experience with them from the beginning have have some AMAZING bags from them.. at least 6 my favorite being the Louise Cappucines in black. They had perfect customer service when I was dealing with them and I am so disappointed to see that they have treated others with such dishonesty. I truly think they got in to big trouble as I found an injunction for selling replica Chanel…. Legally they seem to be in a bit of trouble but since they are in another country I think falling off of the radar will keep them out of sight. Shame on them for not returning money though.
They were shut down because Chanel.
@The PineJewelry:
Dayum! I liked their bags.
I have ordered from them in the past, they were very professional, and the products were and are awesome, well made, hold up well, watches still in tip top shape, I actually got on today to order a bag for my 11 y/o and what happened to them…. I have more than several Replica Knockoff LV bags and for teens and younger, pursevalley was the place. Does anyone have any reputable sites that I may try, I really don’t have time or enough medication to deal with scams or nonsense, any great info is greatly appreciated…… TIA
I’d love to know who y’all are using now. I’m extremely picky with detail. I definitely think the idea of pre-shipment photos is a great way to catch any flaws before it arrives and the hassle and small fortune of sending it back!!
Mellisa in Louisiana
I’m using DD, the quality is a million times better (I used to think pursevalley was good before) and the sellers are more trustworthy. I highly recommend them.
Who are you using?
Who are you using now …please help me 🙏🏽
DD can be found on internet?
Hi Angie can you please confirm that Perfect C club is a good site to buy CC bags? Do you have other suggestions? I’m desperate to get a Chanel WOC but I’m very hesitant.. I bought 3 bags from random sites like and it was a total failure 😞
Please let me know your opinion thx very much!!
Through an app I was using, I was trying to sell a purse that I had purchased from DD, when another user of the app told others that my price was too high and that they should check out PV. I warned them that PV has bad quality and if you happen to get a bad bag, their return policy is ridiculous. They didn’t heed my advice. I bought from PV once, and will never do it again. The stitching and seams were awful on all three bags I purchased.
I really like purse valley they had good quality watches and purses are they coming back I really wish they would
I was a Perfectwatches customer and they were always great at responding and also had live customer service. I bought 5 watches in total and only had a problem with one which they were in the process of sending me a new mechanism when their website was shut down. I heard the “warehouse moving” story and knew right away that something was wrong. I am pretty sure they had some sort of FBI counterfeit seizure and were forced to shut down. I feel sorry for the people they deceived because they did not operate like that and were very nice and reliable in my experience. So long Perfectwatches..
So who are people using instead for high quality replica bag purchases now that Pursevalley have disappeared?
Pursevalley never had high quality replica bags. I made a mistake of buying from them first time and my bag was crap and broke apart quickly. I only buy from Designer Discreet now because they treat me well with high quality bags and actually care about keeping me as a customer.
HI may I have the name or site you purchase replicas from now? I was a customer of PV and had no issues my LV Artsy bag didn’t last but my neverfull tote still looks great. Thank you in advance. Marie in Florida
I liked the site and had no issues for many years. they replied to my email when the site was still up explaining that everything appeared to be sold out because shipping was backed up by two weeks so they were waiting for things to clear customs before selling anything else. then the site got shut down so I am sadly going to assume they were busted for something. Who else do you all recommend? I feel like some of the other sites are a bit overpriced.
I ordered from them in the beginning of July and I, too, grew concerned when the website was taken down and my emails to previously functioning addresses were returned as unknow sender. However, I decided to take a chance that my bag would show up as promised. I’ve ordered many bags from them and have been very happy. Low and behold, I got home today and my LV showed up on my door. There was no slip inside like previous orders with a website so I have no clue if they changed their name or will be back as Purse Valley.
Most of my replica bags and accessories I bought from John of PerfectValley since 2009…the transactions are all “clean” and I paid a fair price for the quality of the leather or hardware/rhinestones…. They have been generous enough and even sent me free bags and free watch 2 years ago. Still in perfect condition. 🙂 silly indeed I am…I bought a replica of Hermes, LV, Gucci bags of my Replica Knockoff ones only so I can protect from wear and tear or keep using the expensive bag…anyway I wish they come back…I feel sorry for the victims if there was really a scam, now I have a trustful supplier from China and he sends me a perfect copy of my accessories here in Europe.
Can you provide your new seller information
I would love it if you can tell me?? I for once had a great experience with pv and am looking for another great one
I need a new supplier, please share your contact, please!
Yes please if you can share. I loved purse valley always got great quality handbags from them.
Can you please let me know who you now order from? I had nothing but good experiences with purse valley too and now I don’t know where to turn 😣
Who is your supplier?
Hi, can you share the name of your trusted supplier? I’m looking for a new replica resource. Thank you!
I also had nothing but a good experience with PV but would love to know the supplier you now use for your replicas????
Please do share your contact information. I live in Europe too. 🙂 Thanks in advance.
May they stay far far away frm the existence of this world .
I ordered one Louis Vuitton bag from them. I was impressed. However I read some people received the bad end of the stick.
I onky heard bad things about them…But ehat happen to PoshModa???…They vanished too..
They were a very reputable company in my opinion. I Justin received a bag that I I ordered from them and it was great. Never had a problem with them and I ordered about 5 bags.
I agree Joan I loved them as well all of my bags were amazing
Me too! Never had a problem with them.
And both LV´s and a chanel that I bought in 2011 are still perfect.
Yes, what is the new website??
They were the ABSOLUTE worst. They sent me a bag with a #1 instead of the “I” in Vuitton. Hello?!? Idiots!! They were awful to deal with. Glad they are gone.
I’ve heard Joy’s quality has gone down, too. Right now I don’t know who to buy from.
I spent $400 and everything was going well. My debit card was declined a couple of times and I know I should have listened to my intuition and not continued but I really wanted a LV bag. I got an email saying they were moving their warehouse, they were cooperative but after a week from receiving the email they stopped contacting me. They said they would be done with their warehouse moving process by the second week of August but I knew that it was a loud of bull$#*!. So I called my bank( bank of america) and filed a a fraud claim. They are still investigating the matter, I was given credit for the $400 until they finish their investigation.
I’m just thankful that I didn’t use E-check or moneygram as my pay option or I would be out of $400 by now. Learned my lesson the hard way.
I really do wish they come back. They were great if you can’t afford the real deal. They were great once I made a mistake on my order they had the curtacy to ring me and write to me in Australia.
They are down for good as of mid March 2018. Any new order will have to be paid by transfer. They will receive the money and never ship. It is now a scam. Pursevalley after mid March 2018 is a complete fraud. Be careful